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FMS needles – fine micro syringe 0.3ml 32g

£0.00 Excl. Tax

FMS needles are ultrafine, allowing for precise and accurate injections. They come in a 0.3ml capacity with a 32G thickness, which is a smaller diameter than most conventional needles. The thinner diameter helps lessen the discomfort the patient may feel during the injection process, making it a perfect choice for aesthetic clinics offering smoother and less painful injections.

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SKU: DAL20187 Category: Tags: ,


Needles are an indispensable part of any aesthetic clinic, and we understand that choosing the most suitable needle is essential to delivering the best patient experience. If your clinic’s goal is to deliver fine, precise injections, then FMS needles are the perfect partner for you. These fine micro syringe needles are designed to help professionals administer medication with precision and ease.

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