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Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml)

£16.96 Excl. Tax

The Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler is composed of HA, which is naturally occurring in the skin. It is an excellent choice for facial contouring as it provides shape, volume, and definition to the target areas. This filler is particularly useful for the cheeks, chin, and jawline. It can also be used for lip augmentation, giving the lips a natural-looking plumpness.

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Longer-Lasting Results

One of the most significant benefits of using the Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler, is its long-lasting results. It has been reported that the effects of this filler can last up to 18 months after treatment. This is because of the unique, cross-linked composition of the HA present in the filler. Your clients can enjoy long-term, natural-looking results with this filler.

Easy to administer and Virtually Painless

Aesthetic professionals are all too familiar with the sensitivity of clients to the process that comes with aesthetic fillers. The Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler comes with Lido packed into it, which helps to numb the treated area, making the process virtually painless. This further enhances the overall client experience, reducing the chances of discomfort or anxiety.

Safe and Reliable

Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler is a product of South Korea’s largest biopharmaceutical company, Hugel Pharma. The company follows stringent quality control protocols and has been supplying products globally for over fifteen years. This means that you can trust the product’s safety and reliability.


The Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler is extremely cost-effective, which is a critical factor for aesthetic clinics. You can achieve excellent results with this filler without the added expense of other expensive procedures. This means that clients looking for quality results without burning holes in their pockets are more likely to choose your clinic.

The Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler is an excellent choice for aesthetic professionals looking for exceptional fillers for their clients. Its unique composition, long-lasting results, easy application, and virtually painless application are some of the strong features that make it stand out. Additionally, its reliability, safety, and cost-effectiveness are other factors that make it an attractive choice for both clients and clinics. The future looks good for the Regenovue Sub-Q Plus Lido (1 x 1ml) filler, which is why we couldn’t recommend it to you enough.

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