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HYAcorp Body Contouring MLF 2 (1 x 10ml)

£81.14 Excl. Tax

HYAcorp Body Contouring MLF 2 is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler specifically designed for enhancing body contours. Presented in a 10ml syringe, this product is injected into the desired areas to add volume and sculpt the shape of body parts such as the buttocks, calves, or hips. The hyaluronic acid in HYAcorp MLF 2 is biocompatible, promoting the natural look and feel of the treated areas while also gradually being absorbed by the body over time. This makes it an ideal option for those seeking temporary enhancement without the permanence of surgical implants.


Aesthetic clinics benefit from offering HYAcorp Body Contouring MLF 2 in multiple ways. Firstly, it allows them to provide a non-surgical alternative for body contouring, appealing to clients who are hesitant about invasive procedures. The product’s temporary nature means clients can enjoy enhancements without the long-term commitment, potentially boosting client satisfaction and repeat business. Moreover, HYAcorp MLF 2’s biocompatibility and natural results increase client trust in the clinic’s offerings, positioning the clinic as a provider of safe and effective cosmetic solutions. Offering such advanced products can also enhance a clinic’s reputation, attracting more clients interested in the latest aesthetic procedures.

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