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Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido (2 x 1ml)

Original price was: £96.01.Current price is: £92.99. Excl. Tax

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Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido is designed to instantly correct deep wrinkles and folds in the deep dermis. Use Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido for filling medium to deep nasolabial folds, smoothing wrinkled and sagging areas, marionette lines, cheek wrinkles, hollow temple area, nasal hump reduction or nasal tip lift, earlobe reshaping. Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido is also to be used for hand rejuvenation including volume loss treatment on the back of the hands. Contains lido for a more comfortable process.

SKU: DAL20193 Categories: , , , Tags: , ,


Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido is designed to improve the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles in the deep dermis. Use Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido for filling medium to deep nasolabial folds, smoothing wrinkled and sagging areas, marionette lines, cheek wrinkles, hollow temple area, nasal hump reduction or nasal tip lift and earlobe reshaping. Stylage Bi-Soft L is also to be used for hand rejuvenation, including volume loss treatment on the back of the hands.

Benefits of Stylage Bi-Soft L Lido:

  • Treat medium to deep wrinkles and folds
  • Correct or reshape nose and ears
  • Hand rejuvenation

How long does the result last for?

In general, results can last up to 12 months. The duration depends on the individual’s lifestyle, age and skin type.

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