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iLLUMA Luna (1 x 1ml)

£25.00 Excl. Tax

This cutting-edge product combines the advantages of hyaluronic acid with polynucleotide (PN), boosting cell permeability and promoting a gradual release of HA gel. This slow release prolongs the active duration of PN, enhancing the product’s overall effectiveness.

SKU: DAL20346 Categories: , Tags: ,


iLLUMA Lunas distinct formulation offers a dual impact, encouraging both regeneration and brightening effects. Remarkably, iLLUMA Luna distinguishes itself with five times more PN (10mg of polynucleotide) than its market competitors, along with 5mg of hyaluronic acid. The use of pharmaceutical-grade raw materials guarantees the product’s safety, making it particularly suitable for the sensitive skin around the eyes. iLLUMA Luna’s exceptional effects include reducing under-eye wrinkles, brightening dark circles, and improving skin moisture and pigmentation. This all-encompassing approach positions iLLUMA Luna as an exceptional skincare choice for your client’s seeking optimal results in under-eye rejuvenation.

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