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HYAcorp Fine (1 x 1ml)

£32.37 Excl. Tax

HYAcorp Fine (1 x 1ml) is a dermal filler designed for aesthetic treatments aimed at enhancing facial contours and reducing the appearance of fine lines. Composed of cross-linked hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin, HYAcorp Fine provides a smoother and more youthful appearance by restoring volume and hydration to targeted areas. The product comes in a pre-filled syringe, facilitating precise application by trained professionals. It’s typically used in superficial wrinkles and areas requiring subtle volume adjustments, ensuring a natural result with minimal downtime. As with any cosmetic procedure, consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to understand its suitability and expected outcomes.


Using HYAcorp Fine in aesthetic clinics offers numerous advantages for both practitioners and patients. Firstly, its formulation with cross-linked hyaluronic acid provides long-lasting effects, ensuring that patients can enjoy their enhanced appearance for an extended period. The product’s versatility allows it to be used in various facial areas, enabling personalized treatments tailored to individual patient needs. Additionally, HYAcorp Fine’s smooth consistency facilitates ease of injection, allowing for precise placement and more predictable results. Patients also benefit from minimal downtime and quick recovery, making the treatment an attractive option for those seeking subtle yet effective enhancements. Overall, HYAcorp Fine delivers natural-looking results that can significantly improve patient satisfaction and confidence.

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