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Cytocare 502 (10 x 5ml)

£93.46 Excl. Tax

Cytocare 502 is an advanced injectable treatment formulated with hyaluronic acid and a unique rejuvenating complex, aimed at enhancing skin vitality and youthfulness. Specifically designed for facial applications, Cytocare 502 targets the superficial dermis to effectively address fine lines and wrinkles, while also combating dehydration and improving skin density and radiance. Its deeply hydrating properties make it an excellent choice for maintaining healthy, vibrant skin and preserving a youthful appearance. Ideal for those looking to prevent the early signs of aging, Cytocare 502 is a comprehensive solution for skin rejuvenation.

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For practitioners, the benefits of using Cytocare 502 extend beyond its impressive effects on clients’ skin. First and foremost, it allows practitioners to offer a high-quality, reliable product that enhances their service portfolio, potentially attracting new clients seeking the latest in aesthetic treatments. The ease of integrating Cytocare 502 into existing procedures means that practitioners can seamlessly incorporate it without the need for extensive additional training. Additionally, its proven efficacy in reducing fine lines, boosting hydration, and enhancing overall skin radiance can lead to high client satisfaction and retention rates. With its reputation for delivering natural-looking results, Cytocare 502 empowers practitioners to bolster their practice with a solution aligned with cutting-edge skincare advancements.

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